NSP Sikkim prepares for 209th Bhanu Jayanti celebration

Sunday, Jun 04, 2023 07:30 [IST]

Last Update: Sunday, Jun 04, 2023 02:00 [IST]

NSP Sikkim prepares for 209th Bhanu Jayanti celebration

GANGTOK,: The 209th birth anniversary of Adikavi Bhanu Bhakta Acharya is being celebrated in a befitting manner by Nepali Sahitya Parishad (NSP) Sikkim here on June 13.

A preparatory meeting in this regard was held on Saturday at NSP Sikkim Bhawan here. The meeting nominated Rural Development minister Sonam Lama as the chairman of the State-level celebration committee, a press release informs.

The theme for this year’s Bhanu Jayanti is ‘Hamro Astitav, Hamro Chinhari’.

During the celebration, the NSP Sikkim would be presenting its Bhanu Purashkar, Bhasa Gaurav Samman and Shri Sewa Samman to literary figures.

Different sub-committees were formed to take responsibilities of special tasks for the celebration.

In his address, the Rural Development minister assured all support from his side for the Bhanu Jayanti programme.

NSP Sikkim president Hari Dhungel expressed that various organisations should be involved in conducting the Bhanu Jayanti celebration besides holding competitions like Shova Yatra, Ramayan Path and literary events.

The meeting was attended by GMC Mayor Nell Bahadur Chettri, deputy Mayor Tshering Palden Bhutia, councillors, Gangtok Zilla Adhyaksha Balaram Adikhari and representatives of various organisations, the release mentions.


Sikkim at a Glance

  • Area: 7096 Sq Kms
  • Capital: Gangtok
  • Altitude: 5,840 ft
  • Population: 6.10 Lakhs
  • Topography: Hilly terrain elevation from 600 to over 28,509 ft above sea level
  • Climate:
  • Summer: Min- 13°C - Max 21°C
  • Winter: Min- 0.48°C - Max 13°C
  • Rainfall: 325 cms per annum
  • Language Spoken: Nepali, Bhutia, Lepcha, Tibetan, English, Hindi